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Apex Neurology, Northern Medical Care PC

V Drips & Neurologists located in Forest Hills, Midtown East, Manhattan, and Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY

If you frequently feel dizzy or faint, you may have low blood pressure, vertigo, or a neurological condition, and you’re at an increased risk of fall-related injuries. At Apex Neurology, Northern Medical Care PC in the Bronx and Forest Hills, New York, Omar Ahmed, MD offers expert diagnosis and customized medical treatment to address dizziness and any underlying conditions. If you’re experiencing frequent dizziness, call or schedule a consultation online today.

Dizziness Q & A

What causes dizziness?

When you feel lightheaded or dizzy, you may lose your balance, fall over, or even faint. Most of the time, dizziness is caused by a middle ear infection or low blood pressure. In rarer cases, you may have a condition such as:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
  • Infection of your vestibular nerve
  • A vestibular migraine
  • Disruption of sensory nerves
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis

Your risk of dizziness increases as you get older or if you’ve had previous episodes of dizziness. If you suffer from frequent dizzy spells, make an appointment with the doctor to get to the bottom of your symptoms and receive the necessary treatment to reduce or stop your dizziness.

How is vertigo different from dizziness?

Vertigo is a specific kind of dizziness where you feel like your surroundings are spinning or lurching around you. You can experience vertigo at any time, whether you’re standing, sitting, or lying down. Vertigo is often due to problems in your middle ear.

How is dizziness diagnosed?

The doctor evaluates your dizziness with a physical exam and a variety of tests to identify the cause of your symptoms and rule out other conditions that could cause dizziness. During your consultation, he’ll ask detailed questions about your symptoms and your medical history. He’ll check your blood pressure and examine your ears, sinuses, and throat.

The doctor may also order blood work, auditory testing, and diagnostic imaging tests to gather more information that will help to identify the condition responsible for your dizziness.

How is dizziness treated?

The doctor customizes your treatment plan to address both your symptoms and the condition causing them. For example, if your dizziness is due to an issue like an ear infection, low blood sugar, or low blood pressure, he can prescribe medication and lifestyle modifications.

If you have a neurological condition like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, thh providers offer customized treatments to control your symptoms and slow the progression of your illness.

When necessary, they can also refer to you to other specialists, like an ear, nose, and throat doctor, for the precise medical care required to resolve your dizziness.

If you’re concerned about dizziness, call or schedule an appointment online today to get the expert care you need to improve your health and reduce your risk of falls and injuries.